Harvest Time
Yes, it's that time of year, when we still have lots of tomatoes and zucchini but also an abundance of winter squash and apples. The sun is still hot, but the air is cooling off, and it's just gorgeous here in Salem, Massachusetts where I live. Our wonderful farmers' market is off the hook with an amazing assortment of veggies. If only it could last a few months longer...
Meanwhile, here is a great harvest time recipe, adapted from Food.com that does not require exact measurements. I have always made it with red skin potatoes that are much smaller than the Idaho potatoes the original recipe uses, so I just figure about how many of the red ones might equal an Idaho. Also I have never weighed the zucchini, but if they are small I'll throw in another one, or even a summer squash. Feel free to adjust the garlic too - I do use the three cloves, although you may notice people backing away from you the next day. But it is delicious. And easy. Even easier if you have a mandolin for slicing.
Summer Bake"
3 - 4 tablespoons olive oil
2 large
Idaho (or other) potatoes, peeled
2 zucchini
(1/2 pound each)
3 ripe
tomatoes (1 pound total)
3 cloves
salt, to taste
pepper, coarsely ground
1/2 cup
chopped fresh parsley
Zest of 1
lemon, finely grated - try to find an organic lemon since you're using the skin
oven to 375 degrees F. Grease a 13 x 9-inch pan with about a tablespoon of olive oil.
Slice the potatoes, zucchini and tomatoes into very thin slices using a sharp knife and/or mandolin. Mince the garlic. Line the bottom of the pan with one layer of sliced potatoes (they can overlap by half). Sprinkle a tablespoon or somewhat less of olive oil and dust with just a little salt
and pepper. Place zucchini slices over the potato and sprinkle another
tablespoon (or somewhat less) of oil over the zucchini. As evenly as possible, cover with a little more salt, pepper, all of the garlic, 1/4 cup of the chopped
parsley and the lemon zest. Next, cover the zucchini with the tomato slices,
the remaining tablespoon of olive oil, pepper and the remaining chopped
parsley. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until the potatoes are tender.
Let me know what you think of this.
Enjoy and be well.
Let me know what you think of this.
Enjoy and be well.