Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Exquisite Granola

I have been trying to find a healthy and delicious granola recipe for quite a while.  I've searched out several recipes and then experimented a bit, trying to use what I liked best in each.  The final product has been deemed a success by me and those family and friends who have tried it.  It's light yet satisfying with a hint of vanilla, and uses just one half cup of safflower oil, and less than a half cup of maple syrup to three cups of oats.  Steel cut oats would not work here.  The flakes shrink quite a bit when baked, and the steel cut would most likely become mushy in milk, almond or soy milk.

If you're looking for a great home-made holiday gift, this granola in a glass jar would be just the thing.  Speaking of holiday time, I wish you a calm and peaceful one.

For this granola recipe, I used Country Choice organic old fashioned oven toasted oats.  Other brands of organic oats may be just as good.  Country Choice did very well with further "toasting" in the oven, and in fact took a while to brown just as they should.  You can use any old fashioned oats, but as long as you're going to the trouble, I would suggest trying to find organic ones.

P.S. I thought it was the final product but I have recently revised it again - to make it better as well as healthier.

Here's the recipe:



3 cups rolled ("old fashioned") oats
1 and1/2  cups of raw nuts - I used raw (not roasted) almonds, walnuts and pecans 
1/2 - 3/4 cup dried flaked unsweetened coconut
1-2 (I use 2) tsp vanilla
1/4 cup plus one T safflower oil
1/4  cup plus one T maple syrup
2/3 cup raisins or other dried berries
dash of salt, optional 


1.  Preheat the oven to 280 degrees and line a large jelly roll pan with parchment paper for easy clean up. 
2.  Combine and oats, nuts and coconut in a large bowl.  
3.  In a measuring cup or small bowl, mix oil, maple syrup, vanilla, (and salt if using).
4.  Pour the liquid mixture into the oat mixture and stir well to thoroughly combine.
5.  Turn mixture out onto the large jelly roll pan and spread evenly.
6.  Bake for about one hour and 20 minutes, stirring every 20 minutes.  You can turn the temp up to 285 degrees if progress seems slow.  Keep checking and when it's golden brown, it’s done.
7.  Remove from oven and stir in the dried berries.
8. Let cool, and when the granola is about room temperature, put into a container (preferably glass) with an airtight cover.

Let me know if you like this granola and if you found any interesting variations. 

Enjoy, and be well.